香りの色を - Perfume by colors (what is it ?)

What : Its a lyrics tribute blog for any deep-passion fan of Perfume, living any place all around the world.
Why : To sing everyday any Perfume Song
Who : A Mexican Perfume deep-passion fan.

This beta blog takes its functionality from color concept shown on Perfume PV Vitamin Drop published on November 2004. My very own fav song of second Perfume era ;)

As you will see all lyrics are painted at four different colors as vocals of Perfume are performed:

A-chan - Ayaka Nishiwaki
Kashyuka - Yuka Kashino
Nocci - Ayano Omoto

And combos chorus:

A-chan over Nocci Nocci over A-chan

A-chan over Kuk Kuk over A-chan

Nocci over Kuk Kuk over Nocci

You can sing three versions:

1 romanji = occidental symbolic alphabet
2 japanese = native Perfume language
3 remix = romaji + japanese

Every post begins with a letters-design cd cover of album what takes the song. Below has entire audio stream (as posible) takes from youtube to guide your karaoke.

Perfume its the most proliphic synthpop japanese band. Born 2000-2001 in Hiroshima perfecture and produced in Tokyo by Yasutaka Nakata, Courtesy by YAMAHA Music.